Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Action Comics #568/Buffy #34 Not Infantino it's Bender and Ordway

Sorry Buffy its Bender & Ordway not Infantino… Honestly, do you think that Mr. Infantino would actually take credit for this? No, only Bender would. Sincere thanks though for thinking enough of something I did 25 years ago to give it such an incredible new facelift and including it in your tribute covers. It is truly an honor. Thank you, Howard Bender who’s not Carmine Infantino.

Background: Dark Horse Comics is currently promoting their Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season Eight with Variant Covers that pay tribute to past Super-Hero/Love/War covers like the X-Men, Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos, Action Comic #1 and Action Comics #568. Of particular interest is Action Comics #568 which artist Georges Jeanty used to draw the variant cover to “Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season Eight” # 34 April 2010. Georges “Pays Homage” by giving credit to Carmine Infantino as the original Action Comics #568 cover artist.

Action Comics #568 cover was inked by Jerry Ordway and totally conceived and penciled by myself and approved by Superman editor Julie Schwartz. The cover of this issue is based on a story by Craig Boldman and myself (of Mr. Fixitt): “The Amazing Matchmaker of Metropolis!”. Where it's romance for Superman, Jimmy, and Lois when Jimmy becomes “The Amazing Matchmaker of Metropolis”! Jimmy Olsen acquires a Thought-Actualizer from the 30th Century and sets himself up in business providing romantic partners conjured up by his machine introducing for the first time true love for both Clack Kent and Superman in one woman aka Mindy Nova-Woman!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Monkees do their homework, DC Style!

Hey, Hey, it's Davy Jones and Mike Nesmith, of the Monkees, studying for their up-coming book report between tour dates. Hmmm, reading comic books again hey, boys! (GO-GO-Checks …Groovy!)

Davy’s doing his report on World's Finest #160 September 1966, “Fatal Forecasts of Dr. Zodiac”. Davy’s thinking he’s never seen this Dr Zodiac before, that because Davy it’s his first appearance. Let’s just hope Jimmy Olsen and Commissioner Gordon don’t screw it up somehow with that Kryptonite rock.

Mike’s reading Green Lantern #47 September 1966, “Green Lantern Lives Again!”. Wow, another “Space Opera”, “Time Travel” story with the Green Lantern Corps! Hope Hal can some how save the day! Here’s a clue Mike the villain has a magnetic personality: “Dr. Polaris”.

This historic photo was brought to you by, "Freak Out, U.S.A." #1 Fall 1967, the Super-Rare Warren Physic/Music Magazine!! Howard Bender

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Arlo Guthrie-Hobo's Lullaby

Arlo at home chillin’ with the family and a copy of Thor Annual #3 (January 1971), intently reading “A World Gone Mad!”.

Back cover photo from the album “Arlo Guthrie-Hobo's Lullaby” Reprise Records MS 2060, 1972. Howard Bender

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

“Parker: The Hunter” Cookes

The Book “Parker: The Hunter” just came out at your comic Shoppe and is worth getting if just for the awesome art by Darwyn Cooke and makes a good crisp read worth reading more than once!

Did this piece channeling Jack Palance and Tony Curtis for the draw Parker Contest that I missed the date for!

I know I missed the contest BUT….I pick-up my copy of “Parker the Hunter” 8/12/09 Wednesday afternoon, read it and Wednesday night I did this Parker caricature as a warm-up before my caricature gig that night. I had no photo or art reference to work from but I was channeling Jack Palance and Tony Curtis and came up with this! Hope you like! Howard Bender