Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Monkees do their homework, DC Style!

Hey, Hey, it's Davy Jones and Mike Nesmith, of the Monkees, studying for their up-coming book report between tour dates. Hmmm, reading comic books again hey, boys! (GO-GO-Checks …Groovy!)

Davy’s doing his report on World's Finest #160 September 1966, “Fatal Forecasts of Dr. Zodiac”. Davy’s thinking he’s never seen this Dr Zodiac before, that because Davy it’s his first appearance. Let’s just hope Jimmy Olsen and Commissioner Gordon don’t screw it up somehow with that Kryptonite rock.

Mike’s reading Green Lantern #47 September 1966, “Green Lantern Lives Again!”. Wow, another “Space Opera”, “Time Travel” story with the Green Lantern Corps! Hope Hal can some how save the day! Here’s a clue Mike the villain has a magnetic personality: “Dr. Polaris”.

This historic photo was brought to you by, "Freak Out, U.S.A." #1 Fall 1967, the Super-Rare Warren Physic/Music Magazine!! Howard Bender